Quarantine Map: Questionnaire

We will be very grateful for your willingness to share your experience with us through the app. The information we collect is very simple and completely anonymous. It will be a useful contribution to understanding the impact of current pandemic measures on everyday life.

More about the questionnaire

What were important places of your daily life under normal conditions, before COVID-19 pandemic outbreak?

In the following map, please click to select places (square cells) that are important in shaping your normal everyday life before COVID-19 outbreak. These are the everyday anchor points of your spatial routine during the workday (e.g. place of residence, work, school; store where you shop regularly; park where you go with your dog; the place of regular meetings with relatives or friends, etc.). You don't necessarily have to select places in the order you visit them during the day or week. Please, select just the important places, not the paths between them.

What are important places of your daily life under the current exceptional conditions of anti-epidemic measures?

In the following map, please click to select places (square cells) that are important in shaping your everyday life in the times of COVID-19.

Please, answer the following short questions